My name is Yashira, and I am the creator of OMA DESIGNS. Just so you know, OMA means grandmother in German. My grandmother, Bibi (Beatriz), taught me how to sew, and I watched her doing it since I was very young. A few years ago, I had already started sewing, but it wasn't until 2017 when she passed away that sewing took on a completely different meaning for me. The void she left by physically leaving us could only be filled, by doing what she loved. Sewing is the direct line that keeps me connected to her now that I can't see her, but I can feel her in every piece I create or design. That's why every piece you take home has a LOT of sentimental value wrapped up in it. Thank you so much for keeping Bibi alive by allowing me to do what she taught me and what she loved so much, which has now become what I love the most.